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A new wave of descendants is reconnecting with their heritage, embracing Slovak identity, and securing European citizenship.

Prime Minister Robert Fico's vow to return to office after surviving a violent assassination attempt raises critical questions about Slovakia's political future and its role in global stability.

It is amazing how much attitudes can change in just a few decades.

Almost one in 10 Slovaks live outside their homeland. The country needs their return to reinvigorate an economy with the sixth-lowest GDP per capita in the European Union.

Reversing Slovakia’s brain drain can happen right now, as long as the strategy expands beyond simply bridging and bonding with the diaspora.

Andreas Kolenič z Tŕnia pri Zvolene pustil na zem svoj ťažký lodný kufor a vydýchol si. Písal sa rok 1907 a on po kontrole imigračných úradníkov konečne začínal snívať svoj americký sen. Kontakty so starou vlasťou obnovil až jeho pravnuk Parviz Malakouti-Fitzgerald o storočie neskôr. Keď pátral po vlastnom pôvode, pomohol rozdúchať i záujem o slovenské občianstvo medzi Američanmi so slovenskými koreňmi.

The inclusion of the “East” into the “West” at the beginning of the 21st century spurred an unprecedented migration wave across the landmass of Europe. This time the migration journeys of Slovaks, Hungarians, Poles and other fresh EU member nations took them to new destinations, such as the United Kingdom and Ireland.

The 2016 EU Presidency country is a little known, landlocked country often confused with its regional cousin Slovenia. You will be hearing more about this region in the years to come. Get ahead of the trend, and discover Europe’s “forgotten” country.

​This month’s 48th anniversary of the Soviet occupation of Czechoslovakia brings into perspective recent history. As old member states squabble over leaving the EU, this invisible nation walks an ever tighter rope. Could the destabilization of the Union mark a renewal of Russian influence in Europe’s East-West gateway?

Europe’s once invisible nation is invisible no more. Ever since Slovakia joined the European Union, the heart of Europe has stepped onto the global platform. It was not that long ago that the country was firmly part of the Soviet bloc. Today, it hosts one of the world’s top security conferences. Year after year, GLOBSEC draws to Slovakia impressive crowds and amazing speakers. Leading scholars, industry captains, top politicians and thought pioneers all flock into its capital, Bratislava. As the world gathers in the city located on the crossroads of East and West for the 3-day event, Slovakia becomes a global mecca of knowledge-sharing.

With sweeping cinematography, the director of Anthropoid brings to life a timeless story of an unconditional love of country.

Občianstvo je koncept, ktorý už od staroveku označuje príslušnosť človeka k nejakej spoločnosti a tým určuje jeho práva, privilégiá aj povinnosti.

SLOVAK, UNITED STATES – The US State of Arkansas, which is situated on Quapaw native land, is known for many things: the only diamond-mines in the United States, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Johnny Cash, and college football, to name a few. 

What is citizenship? It is a law that recognizes a person as belonging to a country. Citizenship can be passed down by blood (Jus sanguinis), which means that you belong to the country of your parents. Or, by birth-location (Jus soli), which means you are given the citizenship of the territory in which you were born

Americký štát Arkansas leží na území kmeňa Quapaw. Arkansas preslávili rodáci Bill a Hillary Clinton a Johnny Cash, ako i jediné diamantové bane v USA. Málokto ale vie, že Arkansas je aj domovom jediného mesta v Amerike pomenovaného podľa európskej krajiny. Tým mestom je Slovak (pôvodne Slovactown).

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